I really like the colours of this magazine, as it is brightly coloured and well colour co-ordinated. The font colours are used well, as all the colours match well together and the contrast of the colours are all at the same level.The background image indicates well what the magazine is going to be about, as the main focus is on the image. The colour of the title reflects well on the image, as it matches the flowers in the picture and the garden itself. The fonts used is all the same simple font which looks good as to the audience, the fonts won't take away the attention from the background image. The way the font is layed out on the image is clear, so that it is visable to read and so you could still see the image clearly. The colours of the whole magazine indicates that the magazine is a summer issue. This is due to bright colours. The creators of the magazine have made some parts of the text bold. This is to either the style of the magazine, to make the magazine look better, or to show the important parts which are inside of the magazine. The target audience that I get from this front cover would be for women, because of the colours and the picture. I would believe it would be for ages 25 and onwards. If I were to create a country magazine, I would definitely get inspiration from this front cover, as it is my favourite one I had found on my research.

This magazine I found I thought had its very unique ways.This magazine is also well colour co-ordinated due to the fonts co-ordinating well with the background image. This country magazine looks like an autumn issue because of the colours which have been shown. The title to me seems to be shown in a bold way because without the title being called 'Country' the image could indicate something different to it being a country magazine, as because the image shows a stream/river, it could be maybe be used for a fishing magazine or even a holiday one. The front cover itself, seems to come across as quite boring, because of the colour of the fonts. The only exciting colours shown in the fonts will be the yellow and the blue. You can see why it is obvious the colour blue is used as a text because the imagery is too bright, so a darker colour was needed to put over the yellow. Of course, it is show that they have used dark blue. Dark blue I feel, is also a very dull boring colour. If I were to carry on doing a country magazine, I wouldn't be inspired from this magazine as it is way to boring and I feel, it wouldn't gain hardly any audiences. This magazine to me, doesn't show a certain target audience, as it indicates hardly anything. The only target audience that comes across to me would be people who don't like to be adventurous.
I really like the look of this front cover of this magazine, as it has the same sort of vibe as the first magazine I had found on my research. I really enjoy the colours of this magazine as I am a very girly person, and love the colours which are used on this front cover. That of course indicates that the target audience for this magazine will be women. The text which is used on this front cover clearly shows what this magazine involves. This to me is a very good idea as the audience then know what to expect of the magazine and know what they're buying. The imagery used also indicates this, as the decor shown in the image, can show that it is thought about in a detailed way and has been thought about to a certain extent. This also proves to the audience what will be shown in the magazine, as they will know how detailed the help will be on being able to decorate your country house. All of the text matches with the image. But the title stands out clearly because of the shade of green used. There isn't hardly anything green in the image, so I can see why they have chosen the title to be green, as it matches all of the colours in the image and doesn't clash. It even matches the shade of brown which the wood is. If the title was pink or purple, I think the magazine would be spoiled, as when I look at the magazine, all I see is pinks and purples. So I think that the use of green was a really good idea. The text I believe is in white because it isn't a colour that will clash with any colours and it is a colour that will stand out. Because of the image being busy with colour, if this text was in a similar or in any other colour, it wouldn't stand out. I also think that because the image is very busy with colour, the front cover cannot involve a lot of text as it will look too over the top and cluttered. If I were to carry on creating a country magazine, this would be the sort of magazine I would like to create, but of course including something to do with music, by involving a music artist of some sort. (Preferbly a country singer.)
I quite like the look of this magazine, as it indicates the country vibe and fashion. The layout of this magazine is laid out in a specific way to really show off the image. I really like how the title is mixed in with the image and is the exact same colour as the dress the women is wearing in the image. This shows well colour co-ordination. The text is demonstrated around the image, so it is obvious what the full focus of the front cover is. The colour of the sub titles are in red to add more colour to the front cover of the magazine. Other than that, the magazine is quite simple, as the creator has used the image as the whole of the background of the magazine. They have also added some of the text in white, as it is bright and can be clearly viewed over the image. It also goes well with the other colour of the texts surrounding. I thought that this magazine front cover really included what I wanted to include on my country front cover, as I wanted to involve someone on it. This gave me some ideas on how I could involve my country singer on the front cover. This also gave me a good idea to involve fashion in with it. This would be so it can draw more readers in, who like fashion and also don't mind a bit of the countryside.
I really like the look of this magazine, as it is different to all of the other ones I have researched. I wouldn't personally be inspired by the layout of the magazine as I don't believe that it would really draw any readers in, as I don't think it is very interesting and a bit full on. The reason I like some of the things on this front cover, is because the image includes a typical country person. A man with a cowboy hat really implies the countryside in many ways. I see this as more of an american front cover, as the image really does include what the country is like in American. I think that this front cover looks to compact, as all of the text is big and stands out, and a lot of brighter colours are used which I think causes a bit of a clash between the other text colours and the image. I like how the title is involved with the background image, but I don't really like how you cannot really see the title as the image is in the way, but if it was the other way around, you would still be able to see the image as well as the title. The image itself is a really clear photograph which makes the magazine look good, but if the texts weren't as big and brightly coloured, I think it would make the magazine look more interesting and a lot more formal than the magazine how it is now. The magazine also only looks like a magazine for males because of the image and the colours. It involves a lot of boy things and only includes two images of women. This to me seems like all the issues of this magazine will be male dominated. The audience also for this magazine I believe will be for older people from ages 20-upwards.
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