- The beginning of Eastenders shows us that it is set in London because of this picture and because of the name being 'EASTenders' shows us that it is set in the East of London.
- The BBC logo shows us who supports the TV Drama.
- When the theme tune plays at the beginning of the programme, this picture is shown. If we didn't see the Eastenders title, we would automatically know that it will be Eastenders due to the distinctive theme tune created. The theme tune is created in quite a depressing way with instruments of drums and piano which will give the audience an idea that the episodes aren't going to be so happy as drama will happen like it does in every episode.
Eastenders first trailer.
Eastenders first trailer straight away proves to us that it was created a very long time ago. It was released in 1985 which is obvious because of the screening put together as it looks very old. This is also because of how short it is and the little used in the trailer. It is very interesting to watch as the trailer doesn't involve any shots or any characters from the soap opera. It doesn't show any complication, it is just kept short and simple. The only thing that is kept the same today is the non-diegetic theme tune which is played in the background. This can be used to create a certain mood and as the theme tune has a use of depressing instruments like drums and a piano, we know that the episode will probably include something depressing. This trailer shows us exactly how times have changed and how much money they have earned from then until now as you can tell by how short the trailer is, it looks as if Eastenders started on little money, therefore, this trailer was probably created on a low budget. Nowadays in the trailers, they contain the theme tune as well as some characters acting and maybe even some non-diegetic tunes, the logo and the name of the soap opera. But in this trailer, it is amazing how it has contained two clips of ttransport, the name of the soap, theme tune and logo within just twelve seconds. The only problem with this trailer would be as it doesn't contain any clips of the soap opera or characters, no one would actually know what Eastenders is as it doesn't give out any clues of what could happen in the programme. If that was shown nowadays, people may believe that the soap opera is revolved aroumd transport. This proves that if housewives didn't start to watch it in the daytime, it would have been difficult to get a popular audience.
In comparison to both of these trailers, this one is the complete opposite as the trailer this time involves characters from the soap opera. One of the key selling points to this trailer would be that it relies on the audience's knowledge. By involving the characters in the trailer, the trailer straight away appeals to the everyday audience and won't appeal to people who don't watch the soap opera as they won't know who the characters are in the trailer. Nowadays in the modern society, the trailers for Eastenders are very dramatic and a tense mood is created in every trailer. By this being created, it creates a specific mood for the audience when they see this tailer on TV. The trailers are shown to be quite serious even though if you watch the programme, you will know it isn't serious at all. People that do not watch Eastenders but seen this trailer, would think that Eastenders is slightly strange, but to the regular audience's, the trailer would probably make you as shocked as the viewers that don't watch Eastenders, as this trailer is showing that Kat and Alfie are back. The trailers that are created to advertise the up and coming storyline in the programme don't at all include any shots or clips from the programme, a scene has been specifically created just to advertise whats going to happen in the programme during the week coming. This also makes the trailer rely on the viewers of Eastenders knowledge as if they didn't know who the characters are that has been shown in the trailer, they won't understand the dramatic affect. People that watch Eastenders will know that Kat as a character with a lot of drama, therefore this trailer will imply that within the next couple of episodes, the programme will be revolved around Kat and Alfie which means that it is most likely that Kat will be causing some sort of trouble with her return. There is an advantage for people that don't watch eastenders, as by watching the next few episodes, it will show what happened in Kat's past, therefore, new viewers will know what has been going on in Eastenders and watch the rest of the episodes as the stories and dramas develop.
Mise-En-SceneEastenders has been created to be as realistic as possible so that the audience can relate to the problems some of the characters have in the soap opera. That is a reason for it being a TV 'drama'. So to make the programme realistic, in all of the homes, the decor is quite simple and in the homes of the elderly, there are no latest gadgets or no update of decor in their houses. Everything in the homes stay the same and it is very unlikely that they will change it. Even though there are some characters that are represented as weathly, they still don't have the latest gadgets in their households or live in big houses. This shows that the majority of the characters are just represented as a working class/lower class society. As nothing changes within Eastenders, it shows that in some way it isn't realistic as it shows a small world stuck in it's own ways.
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