Different types of promotional posters are:
- Flyers and brochures- may be seen as a type of a promotional poster even though it may not hang up on a wall, it is still an advertisement.
-Promotional banners/billboards- Large posters are more likely to be expensive, but the advantage would be that they are very eye-catching. Towns and Cities are most likely to use these as they are very large and can be any size. They are very popular to advertise something temporary for a new film, cosmetic or a community festival. You would see these on the sides of buildings. For example, supermarkets, fitness centers or local colleges/universities etc.. To sum this up, they are more than likely to be seen on a community area where most people will see them.
-Motivational poster-it is a wall hanging decorative poster which is designed to inspire and motivate people in a certain setting. They are common in work places as well as in a school/college/university to inspire young people.They contain positive texts and images which help send off a good message to young students. It is known that the two most common imagery on motivational posters are athletes and animals for young children. An example of this would be a message saying "hang in there" with a picture of a cat holding onto a tree to motivate, images like this are also commin in a classroom of children at a young age. The athlete image is most likely to be used for older students or in work places. This is to encourage people to work hard or to keep trying. The athletes which are included are usually a professional or maybe an athlete with a challenge or disability so that these images can inspire the people who are having a difficult time. These posters usually include nice quotes or a religious phrase but could also have a made up quote by the person who creates the poster.
Soap Opera poster analysis:

These three posters all contain many similarities. They don't all contain a lot of detail and don't give any clues to what is going to happen in the programmes/films apart from maybe the poster on the top left. This is because of the image shown and the tag line "every parent's nightmare". This being the tag line shows that some stress is going to happen in the programme and the girl in the poster is going to go 'off the rails'. The top right poster doesn't give us any clue on what is going to happen in the fllm. The only clue we get is that it is a comedy due to the quote being "Flat-out funny". The imagery on the poster represents the funny side due to the facial expressions of the man and the image altogether being quite surreal and abnormal. It is a picture that you cannot take seriously.
The bottom poster gives off different impressions but still doesn't give us as the audience any clue of what is going to happen in this programme/film. The first impressions I got were that it is going to be a horror. As me and my partner have decided to create a billboard, we gathered that they have to be very striking and eye catching. Researching different types of posters has helped us come up with an idea for our own. By research, it is shown that the image is the most eye catching on the posters so the image has to be very interesting. As for the rest of the poster itself, hardly any text is added and when there is, the text is very persuading. The reason for this is because the billboards are mostly viewed by people travelling by cars so won't have time to read text on the posters, so most billboard posters only show a tag line or the if the programme/film has been advertised a lot else where, the poster will only contain the title of the programme/film as people would automatically know what the programme/film is about because it has been advertised well.
Channel 4.We found that Channel four are very good at advertising their new up and coming TV programmes. They have a good use of colour scheme and only little text and each billboardposter are very interesting and eye-catching. Having a bright color scheme like this billboard shows us as the audience a hint of what is going to happen in the next few series of Hollyoaks. The tag line also gives us a massive hint as by including fire in the image and saying "A week that will change Hollyoaks forever" clearly shows that something bad is going to happen as fire is a symbol of danger and warning. That is why it will be very eye-catching for its audience. Having a plain black background really brings out the imagery as it is a contrast colour to the orange and yellows.
Using this as inspiration, made us want to create our billboard poster like this as it clearly states some hints of what is going to happen in the up and coming series.
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