Wednesday 1 May 2013

Soap Opera Poster/Billboard Process/analysis.


Initial Ideas.
For our poster/billboard, we decided to take inspirtation from Channel 4/E4's posters and billboards. The reason for this is because through research, we discovered that Soap Operas do not advertise their TV programme on any poster or billboard. Therefore, we decided to look at other channels that advertise their dramas on posters/billboards. It is shown through research that the advertisements don't let on to the audience too much of what's going to happen in the series of the programme. We figured that the image on the poster/billboard is an image that relates to the episodes.

For our photography, we decided to take pictures of our two main characters in our Soap Opera. We decided that we wanted our poster to look mysterious, as that is what we saw on some posters/billboards during research. An example of this would have been the skins poster. We decided on having a long/close-up shot of our characters because we wanted to engage our audience and to make them think that there is some mystery behind our characters. The reason for us involving a longish shot, is because we don't want our audience guessing any emotions our characters in our Soap are holding. Therefore, this creates the mystery. Although we had done this, we still want our audience to see some emotion, so we still made sure our audience could still see the details of our character's faces.This is why we got our characters to look straight down the lense of the camera. This gave me the idea that the characters are involving the audience by giving them eye contact.

We decided to have our characters laying on the floor, so it gives us a plain background and so we can give off to the audience a little hint on how they're feeling. This is why I decided to put the image in black and white so that the audience can kind of see how they are feeling due to the photography being dark.We made sure that the clothes they wore were dull colours as I knew I was going to put the image in black and white so we can communicate with the audience how the characters are feeling. Having certain parts of the image in blacks really gives off an effect of how the emotions are going to be shown throughout the whole series of our new Soap. I figured that the black and white contrasted well with the purple and white logo on the image as the colours are complete opposites. The logo is added onto the poster/billboard, so that our audience know that the programme will only be shown on Channel 4's channel;E4. This informs the audience with important information, so having this in a bright bold colour means that it will go unseen and will catch the audience's eye.
I wanted to create some sort of affect with the poster/billboard, so I decided on tying different things with the colour tones. I tried to create this by adding shadowing so that the audience have suspicions of the characters and to really try and bring out their personalities as an individual. I decided on trying to make them look contrasted as I decided to make sure that Amy wore a dark top as she has light hair, and she Gemma to wear a lighter top as she has dark hair. I tried to make this obvious by putting the image into black and white and then using a lot of hue and saturation, so that these elements become obvious. I also tried to make their skin look glowing yet dull and drained so that the colours go well with the colour scheme. I wanted their skin colour to be a contrast to their hair, clothing and background, and also wanted them to match the text on the logo and information box.
We decided to produce our poster/billboard as if it is going to be shown on E4, due to this channel mainly advertising their programmes on billboards.
We decided on adding '#behindcloseddoors' onto our poster/billboard as social media is a very mainstream thing. Having added a hash tag for the Web 2.0 Twitter, means that ourselves and our new Soap Opera can interact with our audience personally as Twitter is very personal. This can also give companies feedback on how their programmes are doing, as tweets are always made about programmes. Throughout research and watching TV programmes on TV, it is noticable that the new up and coming TV programmes are creating Twitter and Facebook pages for their programmes so they can take advantage of making their progammes better.
The release date is very common on all posters and billboards so I added that on very simple so that if this image was as a billboard, viewers that drive by in cars etc, will quickly see the information of when it is being viewed. This is why I have kept the information less busy and very simple.

I didn't have any drafts of this poster/billboard as I knew straight away what I was going to create and because it was fairly simple.

Through creating this, I have found many more skills by using photoshop and how to take a certain image that creates certain emotions. I have learned how to use the hue and saturation, contrast and tone, colour balance, magic wand tool, spot mending brush and the clone tool all on photoshop just by creating this poster/billboard. Even though it looks very simple and easy, realistically I had trouble trying to make this look good as I do not know how to use Photoshop that well.


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