Now I am moving onto designing and creating my contents page. To do this I of course have to do some research. I found many different contents pages which are from music magazines and normal magazines, and have used this research to understand what a contents page should look like and how unique they could be. The idea I have in mind, will for it to be different to all of the original contents pages in many magazines as I find that a lot of magazines use the same sort of layout. I also want my contents page to draw in my target audience. I have found a few contents pages which I do like a lot, and have inspired me and gave me a lot of ideas to do for my contents page. But I have tried to make it as different to the ones I had found as possible.

These two contents pages drew me in, instantly because of the way they are laid out. They aren't so much unique and different but because of its simplicity and huge images, this is what makes it have its own footprint. It is obvious that all of their magazines must all have the same fonts and maybe even some of the layouts, as the contents pages of this magazine is shown in that way. I really like how the font and texts are all the same on these contents pages, and I also like how even though they may be the same in many ways, I like how the images are set out in different ways and the text follows. I find that the title of these contents pages are quite unique, because of the way they are set out. They are shown as different colours and different sizes which I also like. Also keeping their unique ways going, they have made sure that the background colours are within the same shades of colour. Even though not all of the backgrounds on their magazine contents pages may be the same, I can imagine that all of the backgrounds will include a plain normal coloured background as they include big bold images. You can also see that they have used dull colours, for the rest of the page to stand out and will be easy to read. Their colour co-ordination I think, has been shown very well. Even though these contents pages maybe bland, everything immediately captures attention. The images that are used I feel are very good, as you can tell that by the images, the magazine's target audience will be for a younger audience. Because my target audience are also for a younger audience, this helps me on how I may like this to come across to all of my readers. With the contents page on the left, I really like how the image is positioned. The reason for this is because as her body curves, the text is positioned so it interacts with the imagery. The same also goes for the contents page on the left, as the text curves around the dress of the girl on the left. This shows that the image is making the reader read the text which is available on the page. Both of the titles are instantly stood out to the audience, this is shown especially on the contents page on the left, as the bold white stands out against the black background, as it is a major contrast. I will be taking this into consideration when I come to designing my contents page. Over all I think that these contents pages are very attractive, as they have included things which indicate things standing out, and they both show a sense of fashion. I would like my contents page to not show so much fashion, as if I would have done that, I would have made sure that happened on my front cover.
I do quite like this contents page, as it goes onto a double page spread. I like how it also has its simplicity, but has use of colour to liven up the whole of the contents page. I also like the way they have done this, but adding it onto the sides so it doesn't take the attention away too muc from the contents page text. It is shown that the contents page is supposed to be a little plain as even the colour added are just plain block colours. The whole of the contents page text and pictures are mainly in black and white, this I think is good as it matches with the colours well, and having a white background, will really affect the text as it will all stand out well and will be easy to read. The titles of the pages are in black and are more bolder to get the readers attention, so they will know exactly what they are going to be seeing in the magazine. The page numbers are clearly stood out quite bold so the readers know exactly what page they are going to and this won't cause confusion. I don't personally like how there are only a few pictures in smal dotted around the double page spread, as the pictures are only showing a hint of what some of the pages are going to be about. I think that if you are going to do this, you may as well do it for all of the pages, or none at all. I would have just one big image on this contents page which will take up a lot of one of the pages and some of the other. For example an image like the first research I had found on the left. I do like how the colour scheme have use of modern colours, as I like the colours and they wouldn't make the contents page look too over the top or cluttered with other many different colours. I also think that the plainer it is, the more modern it gets, as this demonstrates what magazines now involve as the times go on. But this also depends on what genre the magazine is. But as I have noticed throughout my research, is that a lot of magazines now are becoming more modern by making the magazine more plain. Having the same font and text throughout the whole of the page also creates the modern look. As there is not very many images (big ones) there are no big distractions so the reader will not look at everything else on the page but the text. This I think is the right sort of layout to go for when making any page on a magazine. Overall, I think having a contents page on two pages is good because it is different to many other magazines, but I also feel that there really isn't any need of doing that as a contents page generally only does need one page.
I researched this contents page with this type of genre, as it is different to what I would usually go for. The rock sort of vibe to me, isn't my type of thing at all, and really isn't my favourite genre. I also picked this contents page when I saw it because I actually really do like the way it is laid out, and how they have used the images and the text. As I like the modern look, this contents page indicates this a lot and well. The modern colours to me are colours like black, white, red and greys. This contents page shows this mainly throughout all of their magazines. I like how the central image is shown on this contents page, and really gives the reader information on what the magazine will be about. Other than this, the big title at the top of the page shares a lot and teases the reader into wanting to read on, as a riot is a massive thing. This title doesn't give away too much, but doesn't say less. The colour co-ordination to me works really well, and to me also, this magazine seems to be a very popular and professional magazine. Everything on this page is very eye-catching, even the small text on the left hand side. The only problem I would say about the small writing on the left, will be that it seems like a lot of reading for the audience and may be because of the colours are bland, the reader will not be 100% focused on that side of the page. I like the small part of information under the big title, as because the title is big and interesting, the readers will read what is said underneath. This also gives the reader what to expect, and what is happening on this page and the meaning of the riot. What I like about this, is even though it doesn't involve just a boring title as 'Contents' it includes a big heading, but also doesn't forget to add in the top corner that this is a contents page. This little title is shown as a subtitle as it smaller than the main title, but still in bold and noticiable. I really like, how even though the page is made out to be messy, it is still tidy in another way and is very understandable. I will think about that when I come to creating my own.
This contents page is very eye-catching. Seeing this contents page really drew me in and it made me want to read on and see what else is available in the rest of the magazine. I really do like how this contents page is really simple, but at the same time it isn't. This is happening because of the big image included on the side. The expression on the girls face, I find is really interesting and I like because this is the sort of thing I am going for with the whole of my magazine I am creating.This look is the very edgy look and I really like how the image is laid out on the page. This is how I would like the image to be on my contents page, but I will do a different expression as I want to make it my own. I really like how page 40 is linked to the image, and shown in bold, but isn't so bold that you cannot see the image. This lets the reader know what is happening on this page, and shows the importance of it because of the boldness added. As the contents page is called 'energy contents' this is obvious why the model in the image is doing this specific pose. This is to show the edgy vibe to the magazine. Even though the colours used aren't energetic and are quite bland, I still like it, as because the image is so eventful, the colours dont't matter. I really do like how this one simple image makes the whole of this contents page interesting and attractive, even though the only bright colour on this page is pink. I think I am going to make one page in my magazine as dull as this, but at the same time add an image so the whole page will be readable. I quite like the thought of a page being all black, white and greys. The title of this page also isn't so bold because of the image. But because of the colours and the use of the model, it is very obvious that this magazine is aimed at a young audience which are teenagers. The subtitle also shows what the magazine includes as it says 'Music. Fashion. Celebrities' I really do like this magazine, as the text and the image is all the main attraction. The text is still on show clear and revolves around the image, and the image still stands out more than the rest of the page. I am really inspired from this contents page.
This contents page I do like quite a lot, as even though it isn't very fun and entertaining, I saw that it had some interesting things involved in it. It is obvious that this contents page is quite old fashioned. But that is what I quite like about it. To me I think that it is very quirkey and quite interesting it is unique way. I like how it has its modern ways as of the simplicity of it. This shows the contrast of old fashioned and modern. I like how all of the colours co-ordinate well together even though I personally wouldn't choose the gold to go with the black, white, grey and red. But that of course shows the old fashioned side. Because the image is in black and white, I think that this means that the image blends with the whole of the magazine colours, and no competition within the page. Except from the bold title, everything else on the page I believe, is at the same level. As my magazine is aimed at a young audience, I wouldn't get full inspiration from this contents page, as I don't think that young readers would get drawn in by this. I think I am going to take the idea of how the fonts are and the colours added. I will of course make my page a lot more modern than this by adding the current modern colours which don't clash and looks quite professional. There isn't a lot you can say about this contents page, as realistically it has nothing to it. This was from the olden days, so if this was printed nowadays, I don't think anyone would be interested except for the older audience. To me this seems like the type of magazine which will be added in a newspaper back in the 1900's.

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