Monday, 17 September 2012

Soaps in Britain

Even though Soap Operas were successful in America, Britain didn't take to them all.
The BBC was a public service and was financed by the licence fee and not advertising. As the BBC was led by a man called John Reith, he decided that he wanted the BBC channel to express culture to better and broaden Britain's education, but Soap Opera's were not considered as culture.
Britain did't get a radio Soap Opera until the end of the second world war. It was called 'The Robinsons'. 'Mrs Dales Diary' followed in 1948 and then 'The Archers', which started in the 1950's and is still going strong today and is named the longest running soap ever.

The BBC produced the first British TV Soap (The Grove Family). but ITV which came around in 1955's soon caught up. Bristish soaps have alsos been different to the ones that broadcasted in America. They are known to be a lot more family orientated and homely.

Early British Soaps.

The Grove Family- BBC, 1954-57
Emergency Ward 10- ATV, 1957-60
Coronation Street- Granada, 1960-Present
Compact- BBC, 1962-65
United- BBC, 1965-67
The Newscomers- BBC, 1965-69

The BBC was never really successful with their Soap Operas and wasn't until 1985 when they produced Eastenders that they really made a long running, successful soap.Many of the regional independent British companies make their own soaps. E.g. Emmerdale (Yorkshire TV). Soaps help them to gain a bigger regular audience.

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