This magazine is also an r&b magazine, but is mainly aimed at females. Beyonce is a massive r&b solo artist. The magazine itself doesn't really look like an r&b magazine, because it seems to be too girly. The target audience for this magazine I would say would be from

I was thinking about producing a country magazine, and having the whole theme to do with country music, so i researched some country magazines. The country front covers i found were showing families like this one here I have an example of, or just ones with women on, which are showing either fashion or a life story. Every women which are shown are dressed to look like they are from the countryside or are from the country. The magazines themselves are quite simple, the reason I think they are created like this is because they have real life pictures on the front and have a busy background (e.g. The countryside.) The target audience I think are for older people. 30-50. The country magazine I was thinking about producing wouldn't be at this age range, it would be for a yo

This magazine is obvious that it is for a younger audidence. It is plain and simple which I think will draw teenagers in. The image itself has drawn me in, because I think it is really interesting and suits teens. The name 'pop' makes the magazine obvious it's also aimed at a younger audience. The colour of it being pink also indicates it is for females. I think that the age it is for is from ages 11-15.
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