I have created a music pack to demonstrate what my music magazine is going to be about. The theme I have decided to do for my magazine is a country theme. I have thought carefully about what I am going to include so that it is obvious to my target audience what the magazine is about and what the theme is. I quite like my idea, but I do think it would be quite hard seeing as most country magazines are to do with gardening.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Magazine Research
I have researched magazines in general to help me decide and give me ideas on how I would like my magazine. I have researched a variety of different kinds of magazines from r&b, Rock and to girly kinds of magazines.

This magazine is also an r&b magazine, but is mainly aimed at females. Beyonce is a massive r&b solo artist. The magazine itself doesn't really look like an r&b magazine, because it seems to be too girly. The target audience for this magazine I would say would be from
ages 16-30.
I was thinking about producing a country magazine, and having the whole theme to do with country music, so i researched some country magazines. The country front covers i found were showing families like this one here I have an example of, or just ones with women on, which are showing either fashion or a life story. Every women which are shown are dressed to look like they are from the countryside or are from the country. The magazines themselves are quite simple, the reason I think they are created like this is because they have real life pictures on the front and have a busy background (e.g. The countryside.) The target audience I think are for older people. 30-50. The country magazine I was thinking about producing wouldn't be at this age range, it would be for a yo
unger audience.
This magazine is obvious that it is for a younger audidence. It is plain and simple which I think will draw teenagers in. The image itself has drawn me in, because I think it is really interesting and suits teens. The name 'pop' makes the magazine obvious it's also aimed at a younger audience. The colour of it being pink also indicates it is for females. I think that the age it is for is from ages 11-15.

This magazine is also an r&b magazine, but is mainly aimed at females. Beyonce is a massive r&b solo artist. The magazine itself doesn't really look like an r&b magazine, because it seems to be too girly. The target audience for this magazine I would say would be from

I was thinking about producing a country magazine, and having the whole theme to do with country music, so i researched some country magazines. The country front covers i found were showing families like this one here I have an example of, or just ones with women on, which are showing either fashion or a life story. Every women which are shown are dressed to look like they are from the countryside or are from the country. The magazines themselves are quite simple, the reason I think they are created like this is because they have real life pictures on the front and have a busy background (e.g. The countryside.) The target audience I think are for older people. 30-50. The country magazine I was thinking about producing wouldn't be at this age range, it would be for a yo

This magazine is obvious that it is for a younger audidence. It is plain and simple which I think will draw teenagers in. The image itself has drawn me in, because I think it is really interesting and suits teens. The name 'pop' makes the magazine obvious it's also aimed at a younger audience. The colour of it being pink also indicates it is for females. I think that the age it is for is from ages 11-15.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
My research anayisis on music magazines
To get some ideas for my music magazine, I have done a lot of research! I have researched normal magazine covers just to see what most audience like and what magazines generally look like. I have research music magazines to see what they are layed out like also. I have researched many different genres to see what the differences are between them. I figured that many music magazines are quite simple becayse of the pictures being over the top.
I like this magzine cover because it is well colour co-ordinated and simple. I think that simple magazines look good because they look more professional. The bright pink used goes well with the black and blue added. The front cover has made it obvious to the audience what the magazine is actually about, and has made this clear. The audience to this magazine I think are teens, but can also go up to the age of about 19. Of course this magazine appeals to Rihanna fans also.
This magazine is very unique. There are not many magazine that look like this. They have used a variety of artists which indicates interest. They haven't included much writing or subtitles on the magazine because of the image itself. I think that if anymore were added, it wouldn't make the magazine look as good. The title used is big and bold and really suits the picture. I think the audience age is a variety, especially for this magazine as it includes a mixture of different artists.
This magazine cover stands out a lot. Magazines which stand out like this and have a lot of use of bright colours, really draws readers in. The colours that are used, are the reason for the magazine standing out because the colours clash. Because the magazine involves a lot, just by the colours and image used, there isn't much text because then otherwise the magazine may look over the top and won't be as interesting. I would say this magazine has its own way of being unique, as they have taken a normal photograph, and just added their own graphics. This makes the magazine creative, and this is why I think the magazine is quite unique. The audience for this magazine I believe are females. I think this because of the colours and the artist themselves. Even though boys can also relate to Lady Gaga, I just this magazine is purposely created for females. The audience for this magazine I think are teens.
I like the way this magazine is laid out. The reason for this is because I like the way the fonts are laid out. The title of the magazine is very bold because of the colour red. The celebrity used makes the magazine appeal to a younger audience because of the age of the artist. This issue will also be popular for girls because of who the artist is. This is also obvious because of the way the magazine cover is presented (the kiss marks.) There are bold subtitles used which shows what the magazine involves. Underneath the subtitles they have used rhetorical questions which will also appeal to the lovers of this magazine. It also looks professional because of it being simple.

Sunday, 13 November 2011
My Contents Page!

This is my finished contents page. The design I wanted was to make sure you could see the text clearly enough, but also see the image I have as the background. The contents page hasn't really turned out the way I wanted it to. I wanted to add a image I took myself but all my pictures wouldn't look right because of the front cover. My contents page doesn't match my front cover which I didn't like. My magazine is an October issue, so I wanted to have a halloween theme. My front cover I thought was an success with that, but my contents page wasn't. To make my contents page match the theme a little bit, I tried to get a font for the title which has an halloween affect to it. On the other hand, in most magazines, they only have a theme on the front cover then the rest of the magazine normal and not following the theme of the front cover. I used dafont for my 'Contents' title, and normal text on photoshop for 'October.' The image I have used demonstrates that this magazine is a music magazine. The pages I have created includes everything to do with music in Chew Valley and also includes quizzes and competitions. I would have made this contents page a lot better if I had put more thought into it and done a lot more research. Now that I have finished it, I have thought of 100 more ideas. That will be my target for next time. Overall, I believe I achieved this quite well as contents pages are always simple.
Monday, 31 October 2011
My final front cover!

I really like how my final front cover came out like. I think it is very eye catching and really draws the readers in. I had to make sure I was thinking of the audience whilst designing it as the magazine anyway isn't for everyone. My target audience are from ages 14-18, which are into rock music. I've tried to follow the theme correctly which was halloween as it is an October issue. But without making it too much to do with halloween, I had to stick to the rock theme also. The colours I have used indicated this well I think, and have stuck with simple colours like most rock music magazines have done. I found this out within my research. The white font I used was to make the dull colours black and red to stand out more. This also makes the magazine more interesting. Kerrang magazine indicates this well. I only used one image so I don't over crowd the front cover as I don't think the magazine will look as professional if I used more than one image. My weaknesses throughout making this front cover was making sure I stick to the theme, and to think about my target audience. My strengths I feel were my designing, as by being insprired by other rock magazines, I thought I presented the designing well, and thought I had shown that I had really thought about it. I think the graphics (blood) shown this too.
The picture I have chosen for my front cover
Horror Front Covers
I thought I would do some research on actual horror front covers too. This helped me get some ideas on how to present my front cover so that it looks quite horrifying and is really obvious to readers that this issue is for halloween.
Adding blood on a magazine or adding it to a person is a very obvious symbol for horror. Blood has a meaning to it which I see as pain and evil. On halloween devils are red, so I feel this would be a very good mix for my magazine cover.
I love the title of this magazine on the right. I love how it implies a real horror name. And just automatically indicates some sort of horror film! The magazine is for horror films and they have used a really good picture for the front cover. The picture itself is showing what all the films are about which are getting advertised inside the magazine.
Adding blood on a magazine or adding it to a person is a very obvious symbol for horror. Blood has a meaning to it which I see as pain and evil. On halloween devils are red, so I feel this would be a very good mix for my magazine cover.
I love the title of this magazine on the right. I love how it implies a real horror name. And just automatically indicates some sort of horror film! The magazine is for horror films and they have used a really good picture for the front cover. The picture itself is showing what all the films are about which are getting advertised inside the magazine.
My research on rock magazines
I thought these rock magazines were the closest to the halloween theme I have chosen. I think that all rock magazines are quite scary. The reason I think this is because of all of their make-up they wear. They are presented as very dull and wear all dark clothes especially black. I found that the band 'My Chemical Romance' as the front covers have stood out the most to me.
This front cover reminds me quite a lot of halloween. It is the bright red hair and the eye liner on the eyes. It reminds me of vampires dressing up to go trick or treating!

This front cover reminds me quite a lot of halloween. It is the bright red hair and the eye liner on the eyes. It reminds me of vampires dressing up to go trick or treating!

This front cover on the right stood out the most to be, as I find it quite creepy. It reminds me a lot more of halloween because of the colours presented and just the band themselves.

Whilst doing my research, I also figured that to make a front cover have the theme halloween, the picture doesn't have to look scary, as long as the image and presentation of text is obvious that it does have a theme. And that you make sure you follow the theme correcty to prove it. The text used on this front cover is very horror. The colour black is used a lot because it is a bold colour and gives off a scary vibe easily.
Front Cover
For my front cover, I had to do a lot of thinking, My choice was to do a music magazine as I am a big fan of music! I really wanted to make my magazine look quite unique, but personally I feel I am not that good on photoshop as I find it hard to use. I decided the date of my magazine was going to be set in October, and as halloween is of course in October, I tried to follow the theme of halloween to create my front cover. The closest ideas I could get to quite scary, were rock magazines so I done some research!
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Who is the audience of this media text?

Serif and Sans Serif.
Serif is a font that has little detail added to the ends of the letters which gives off a more formal look if needed. The indepentant newspaper uses serif fonts, to make the newspaper look formal and for the audience which are intelligent. This is what it looks like...

Sans Serif is a font not so formal. This is the type of font which is mainly used in magazines. It gives off a more chatty vibe to younger audiences. It has hardly any added features with the font which indicates the informal look. The word Sans is a french word that means 'without' Sans Serif font has no serifs added thats why it is called 'Sans Serif'.
This is what it lo
oks like...

Sans Serif is a font not so formal. This is the type of font which is mainly used in magazines. It gives off a more chatty vibe to younger audiences. It has hardly any added features with the font which indicates the informal look. The word Sans is a french word that means 'without' Sans Serif font has no serifs added thats why it is called 'Sans Serif'.
This is what it lo

What is Denotation and Connotation?
Denotation is what the audience can visually see. For example, on a magazine page, what is shown for the audience to see if denotation. It is also known as the first level of analysis. The Denotation of something is usually literal. It also involves a hidden meaning which refers to the audience the magazine of media texts are created for.
Connotation is the second level of analysis. It is the emotional or figurative language associated with a word or an object.
For example..
For example..
Thursday, 8 September 2011
First AS Media Lesson

For my first media lesson, we had to work in groups of four. This included working with people you have never worked with before or don't generally speak to. We had to look at two different magazines, the magazines we were given were Glamour and Look. We had to analyse each magazine by looking at the front cover, a few sections inside the magazine, who the magazines appeal to, how they are presented and the institutions. We then had to find the conventions and the codes between them. We figured that these magazines had more differences than simularities, we found this by just looking at the front covers, the Look magazine is a lot more into fashion, celebrities and they love the gossip! The Glamour magazine was a lot more professional than Look because of the way it has been layed out. It is very well colour coded, where as Look isn't. The simularities we found were that they were read by the same sort of audience.
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